Lecture inf

Doing it the Hard Way

This lecture is a retrospective on the special effects advertising work I did mostly in the 80's, 90's and early 2000’s and also includes complicated effects work going right back into the 70's and earlier.  The talk is called "Doing it the Hard Way" and documents the complicated measures one had to go through in the days before computers.  The program then continues into the 90's and beyond when I began to use computer systems myself.  Although many of my methods are obsolete, there remain techniques, such as studio explosions, which can still be used today to create effects which would be difficult, even with modern computer technology. The lecture is liberally illustrated with many behind the scenes shots taken during the productions.

Some of the images are on this website and in many cases the text contains information on how the image was produced.

The talk is usually two sessions of about 45 minutes with a break in the middle.  I am very happy to have a Q&A as well and will talk for as long as you can stand listening to me.  Obviously I will show a power point presentation and would require a suitable projector which will work with my Sony Vaio (HDMI).

I normally charge a moderate fee plus expenses.  If the venue is not overly far from my base in Southwest Oxfordshire the only expenses is mileage at the RPS rate, currently 45p / mile.

Ship on Champaign main shot created entirely in-camera. No retouching of any kind

Ship on Champaign rear view showing air lines, rigging wires and fibre optic lighting guides








As an example, this iconic image was created entirely in-camera using model made over sized props. This was a very complicated setup and it took us over a week to build and shoot it to my satisfaction.  It relies on lighting and compressed air to launch bits of paper and dust through the rigged set. Timing is everything.

To see the images full size right click and select view or open.
